Topic Wise Words

Topic Family:: PAGE #11

:: Crows Cuckoos and Parakeets are very destructive parakeets not only destroy fruit tree buds but also raid nests and kill nestlings:: The store and neighbouring areas were blocked off but no bombs were found on the site:: I could have been neighborly and just asked him to stop but he wasnt neighborly enough to consider his fellow students when he decided to smoke so I called the cops:: There are two options for finding information about the interments in Smithville Cemetery:: Spa Day is really between the bride and her bridal party:: In the presence of family and friends the grooms kissed their brides with love and tenderness:: As a result these men will become the prospective bridegrooms for ladies of the West:: Im going to a wedding where the bridesmaids are wearing all black:: Normal lives are a patchwork of work leisure holidays weddings and other life events:: Several models or theories have placed adolescence in a period of human development from birth to death:: Healthy development for early adolescent girls is defined by these tasks:: Assuming an effective role as mediator in the region the group might be able to adopt a position where it could exert a highly positive influence over the future of the region for a long time to come:: This is of course due to unscrupulous organisations taking advantage of its adoption :: Sylvia worked for Ethiopian independence and Adela was involved in the launch of the Communist party in her adoptive country:: Adoration continues in Rathduff Church every Sunday during lent from 12 noon to 5pm with Holy hour from 5 to 6pm:: I decided to sell poppies in remembrance of those who died:: He reminisced about past years while they ate lunch before he excused himself and left the two men:: He entered Hughes gym where he trains some of the best young fighters and biggest tearaways in the country:: The last time he had cried was in grade six when his goldfish had died:: young tree:: the enforced camaraderie of office life:: There is software available that allows home owners to scan in a picture of their home and then try out different colors without making an actual commitment:: The following year she realised it was more than a holiday romance and came back to stay:: These youngsters are living in gutters and sewers and sleeping under trees at night:: I guess I worry about talking about youth culture generally because I think its such a small slice of youth culture:: Sometimes though I look in the mirror and I am quickly reminded that I am not so youthful after all:: His daughter was disinherited and what little was left of Lovelaces possessions passed to his godsons :: Figures released earlier this year showed a fall in the number of teenage pregnancies in the city:: She rolled my cot from the closet and opened it in the middle of the room leaving just enough space for us to walk sideways between the sofa and the cot in case we had to go to the bathroom
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