English to Macedonian Meaning of calamity - несреќа

Calamity :

несреќа, агонија, беда, проблеми, немаштија, болка, заборав, бес, грешка, невнимателност, префиксот, симптом, морбидитет, пречка, опасност, вложување, несреќен случај, жртва, екстремитети, дистрес, фаталност, зависност од дрога, алкохол, дисипација, тага, уживање во пороци, востание, катастрофа, на штетници, чума

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Definitions of calamity in English
Noun(1) an event resulting in great loss and misfortune
Examples of calamity in English
(1) Whenever any calamity , disaster or accident occurs, their team arrives there as volunteers for relief work.(2) To the extent that the pessimism is based on fears of an election day terrorist calamity , it's hard to argue with.(3) emergency measures may be necessary in order to avert a calamity(4) the journey had led to calamity and ruin(5) The skipper was experienced and had faced worse seas before and so sudden was the calamity which overwhelmed him that he was unable to send out a Mayday call.(6) Earth was among the many planets destroyed in this calamity , and many humans were lost also.(7) It wasn't long before an even greater calamity than sea sickness set upon them.(8) One morning's natural calamity has delivered tens of thousands of new victims.(9) Speaking of the next step, for families who have lost someone in this calamity , what's the next step for them?(10) The areas that were most damaged by the calamity is certainly back on its feet.(11) It has shown its capacity to plan ahead and be ever ready for any calamity or disaster that may beset the country.(12) The liberation brought fresh calamity and distress for those Jews who had survived the Holocaust.(13) the fire was the latest calamity to strike the area(14) Yes, this country could be devastated by terrorism, or a meteor strike, or some economic calamity .(15) After unloading, I decided it would be prudent to park in the lot rather than risk further calamity .(16) Before the oil well calamity , villagers there led a peaceful life, getting along with each other in harmony.
Related Phrases of calamity
(1) natural calamity ::
природни катастрофи
1. disaster ::
2. catastrophe ::
3. tragedy ::
4. cataclysm ::
5. adversity ::
6. tribulation ::
7. affliction ::
8. misfortune ::
9. misadventure ::
несреќен случај
Different Forms
calamities, calamity
English to Macedonian Dictionary: calamity

Meaning and definitions of calamity, translation in Macedonian language for calamity with similar and opposite words. Also find spoken pronunciation of calamity in Macedonian and in English language.

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